Who Do We Worship?

We are a small congregation that struggles with finances and the desire to have more people in attendance each week. We’ve been told that we are too rigid in our theology, we’re not keeping up with the rest of the world. If you’d only do this or that thing, we would grow as a congregation.

My response has always been that numbers aren’t everything. We are called to be faithful, faithful to God and His Word. And that Word stands firm forever. It doesn’t change with the winds of the world.

So when I came across this post from Father Hollywood, I thought it was worth linking. Here’s a bit to whet your appetite:

Part of the article consists of a pastor's bragging about how many people attend his congregation, including one instance where 500 showed up for a "baptism bash" and another "community celebration" that boasts of "more than 1,000" in attendance. But the most interesting boast involves how many come to church on Sunday now as opposed to the ten families he started out with in 2005. The author of the article says this congregation "now worships as many as 600 on Sunday."

I believe this is a case where grammar imitates life.


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