Previously, I talked about the benefits of using Treasury of Daily Prayer (TDP) as a basis of your devotional life. But it can be difficult to use. Finding the correct day, flipping back and forth between services, readings, and the like can be a bit of a pain as well. Several months ago I bought the Kindle version of TDP. My intent was to use the Kindle or the Kindle App on my iPad for daily devotions. This was even more awkward to use, since bookmarks are harder to use on those devices. So the Old Adam in me used this to make my daily devotions, well, not weekly, but certainly not daily.Several weeks ago I purchased PrayNow from the iTunes App store. It cost $8.99, which is a bit steep, but I believe is well worth the money. It is easy to use and has many options that are helpful in using TDP. For example, it can integrate the daily readings with three services Matins, Vespers and Compline. No flipping back and forth between the assigned readings for the day and the service, it's all integrated. It has a clean type and easy to read, even for these old eyes. Also you can easily find various prayers for most times and situations in life. You can also keep notes on each section of the readings.So if you have an iPhone or iPad, give PrayNow a go. It takes away one more excuse your Old Adam for daily studying God's Word.